Monthly Archives: February 2013

Lithium batteries: Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese lithium battery

A lithium battery has become a common part of our life. These batteries have found use in a number of tools and devices ranging from kids’ toys to vehicles and so on. To an extent, they have also replaced several conventional batteries.

Here are the major advantages of using a China lithium battery:

1. Longevity: Lithium batteries are extremely durable and enjoy a certain edge over other forms of batteries in terms of longevity. This automatically boils down to lower expenses for the consumers since these products do not require frequent replacement. After installing them on your device, you can expect them to last for quite a few years, thus exempting you from any financial headache or hassle.

2. Light in weight: If you try comparing a Chinese lithium batteries with one which is made of lead or nickel, then you shall observe a substantial amount of difference in their weight.  This can be very advantageous since the users are not inconvenienced. For instance, if a consumer is installing this form of battery in a flashlight (which needs to be carried around in hand), then he would prefer these light batteries which won’t add much to the load. Also, these light products offer less resistance when installed in vehicles and cars.

3. Much more powerful: It is believed that a lithium battery is much more powerful than other forms of batteries. Therefore, they enjoy greater goodwill and an increasing popularity amongst people.

4. Environment-friendly: As compared to their counterparts, a China lithium battery releases lesser pollutants. Therefore, it is much friendlier to the environment and can be counted as a greener product. If you are planning to use a battery for longer use or in heavy-weight equipments, then it would be advisable to go with a lithium-made one in order to exert less pressure on the nature.

Mobile Phone lithium polymer Batteries

Lithium batteries, despite these merits, also have a few demerits. Here are some major disadvantages which they suffer from:

    1. Not rechargeable: One of the biggest cons of this battery is that it cannot be recharged. Thus, after a few years, they will wear off and then you would be required to buy a new one. Thus, it comes with a periodic investment every few years. However, having said that, one must admit that high shelf life ensures that your returns per investment will be meager and affordable.

Risk-prone: Chinese lithium batteries manufacturer is a tad risky and vulnerable to some hazardous or undesirable incident. It is not unheard of for these batteries to explode or cause some leakage or breakout of fire. But they happen rarely and are more of an aberration than the case of norm. If you are careful about the instructions and comply with all safety guidelines, then you have got nothing to fear.

On the whole, one can say, that lithium batteries have become essential in the modern era. Though, it has a couple of drawbacks (as explained above), its pros easily outweigh & outnumber the cons. They offer reliability, convenience and economy to the major global populace of today. ENERGYHOLDER is the one of the best lithium battery enterprises leaders, a professional lithium battery supplier.

Why Cars are Using Automotive Lithium Polymer Battery These Days?

The automobile industry relies heavily on batteries. For a number of reasons, a person has to use an automotive battery, since it is not possible to get direct electricity supply in a running vehicle. For instance, did you ever wonder how does your car’s light get its power? Or how, for example, do you run the AC in your automobile even though you don’t have to pay any electric bill for it? All these are fuelled by the car’s battery! It is vital that the battery which is being used in a vehicle is a high quality one. That is one reason why the popularity of automotive lithium polymer battery has soared with time.

Electric Bike Battery (1)It has appeared as a cost-effective solution to the general needs of an average vehicle owner. It offers light weight and is economic because of its low maintenance and long life. There are many reasons why the manufacturers have expressed their satisfaction over use of these batteries while making cars.

Here are some of them:
1. Light in weight: Batteries which are made of lithium polymer are very light in weight. It is always preferable that the vehicle doesn’t have to put up with a heavy load. The problem with installing conventional batteries is that they put a lot of extra weight to the automobile which adds to the friction and reduces the fuel efficiency of the car. On the other hand, automotive battery made of lithium polymer offers lightness and thus increases the fuel efficiency.

2. Small in size: Another advantage they enjoy is that these batteries are miniscule in size. One of the key reasons why they are so small is that they enjoy greater energy efficiency. So, the manufacturer can easily derive adequate power even with a battery which is a shade smaller (and lighter) in size & weight. Being small, they do not require much space inside the vehicle. So, the automobile manufacturers can come up with vehicles which are smaller, lighter and more economic.

3. Good restoration power: They offer great storage capacity. The vehicle owner can put his reliance on an automotive lithium polymer battery manufacturer fully, since these products do not generally run out of charge. They also have a very good life. So, once you get them installed in the car, you won’t have to worry about any replacement for quite a few years.

4. Reasonably safe: An automotive battery made of lithium polymer is quite safe. In fact, contrary to the general notion that these batteries are dangerous, they have become quite risk-free. Over the past decade, the manufacturers have adopted better technologies to guarantee higher safety. So, they do not cause any problem as such and do not radiate excessive heat even during extreme usage.

5. Cost effective: As explained above, automotive lithium polymer battery is very cost-effective. These batteries may cost a bit more while purchasing them. But they last for many more years and depreciate very slowly. So, the rate of consumption per year certainly works to the advantage of the consumers.

Keeping all these factors into consideration, ENERGYHOLDER can be concluded that this form of battery has empowered automobile manufacturers with greater flexibility and more feasible options.

UPS Batteries: Significance and Role of UPS Power Battery

UPS is abbreviation for ‘uninterrupted power supply’. It is a kind of back up battery which helps you run the machine when the chief source of power gets exhausted or runs out. For instance, if you are using your computer submerged in some vital official work and suddenly the power goes off, then you may lose vital data. UPS batteries supplier help to evade such a scenario. They will keep the computer running during such a time. Moreover, they also help a number of enterprises to run equipments during some power crisis or emergency!

UPS Batteries (1)Apart from computers, most other electronic products also use batteries. But many of them, like the music players, can be done with normal batteries. Hospitals, too, find great use for ups battery. These places are sites where it is important to keep equipments running for the treatment of the patients. Sometimes, a surgeon may perform an operation which can run for quite a few hours. It becomes vital that the power is not interrupted during such times. So, the ups power battery provides solution to these contingencies and ensures that incessant supply can be maintained.

Most business houses, organizations and offices are also banking on such batteries. These products become indispensable since the business environment warrants continuity in work. If some machines come to a stop for some hours, then the entire day’s proceedings can turn awry and messy! Therefore, almost all corporate houses make sure to install ups batteries.

The modern day manufacturers provide batteries which enjoy impressive & advanced features. These automatically get recharged when the normal power is available, so that they can provide quick backup when the power goes off. UPS battery comes in varying sizes and dimensions. You must choose one after carefully checking the requirement. If you are a novice in these matters, it will be best to consult a knowledgeable friend or a local technician for the same.

There is one more role which an ups power battery plays. Some people are not aware of this function since it is less publicized. It acts as a regulator or controller of power. So, it ensures that power fluctuations do not take place and no mishap occurs due to the same. In this regard, they automatically act as the guardian of your computers and other equipments. Say, for instance, if there is a sudden increase in the power flow, then some circuits or the entire appliance may get damaged. But if you have installed ups battery, then you can count on it to save your appliance from any sort of harm. CLICK HERE for more.

Some first-time buyers may be a tad confused while shopping for ups batteries. These are available in the market under an array of labels. To judge the quality of a brand, you can always go through its reviews posted on internet. In case you trust your seller, then ask his advice in the matter. Also, remember that the performance of ups power battery may also be specifically directed towards a particular appliance. So, it would be imprudent to buy one in haste without making a thorough evaluation of your requirements.

Portable Auto Battery Pack: How to Buy Auto Batteries for Your Car?

Your car’s battery is an essential ingredient of the vehicle. It is the battery which ascertains that the vehicle runs smoothly without any problem. It also fuels all the accessories and add-ons in your vehicle. Therefore, it is vital that you give due thought to this matter while shopping for auto batteries.

sinopmThe first thing you must remember is that there are quite a few batteries available in the market. You must figure out your requirements and buy the one which will fit into your needs. It is also vital to weigh the pros and cons of each type of battery before you buy one. A lot depends on your vehicle. Some models specifically require a particular kind of battery. If you try to install any other kind, then it won’t work properly. On the contrary, it may just disrupt the normal functions of the vehicle and may even cause some internal damage.

There are good light battery packs available these days. You can easily find a portable auto battery pack manufacturer from the net or from your traditional store (though it would be more prudent and pocket-friendly to buy online)! Apart from lightness, the size factor also needs to be evaluated. Just like different models of cars come in varying sizes, similarly the batteries too differ in sizes. You must figure out the size that will suit your purpose. If you are replacing an old battery with a new one, then all you need to do is to just take out the old one and measure its size. Another ideal alternative is to take your vehicle to the portable auto batteries manufacturer and he will make the required inspection and suggest accordingly.

This is an important aspect because a wrong-sized battery can cause certain problems. A bigger battery won’t just fit into the given space allotted inside your engine for the purpose. And a too small one will keep shifting and colliding with the walls thereby becoming susceptible to internal or external damage. It can also keep oscillating and produce unpleasant & annoying noise while the engine is running.

One more factor which will determine your auto batteries need is power. Different batteries have different power capacities. Depending on your car’s size and structure, you may require a battery of a certain power. Again, if you are not sure of the same, then you should better consult a professional. He would be in a better position to give you solid advice.

Most people also look for the CCA mark while shopping for a portable auto battery pack. This factor helps you figure out the right product depending on the climatic conditions of your town or country. It is not the most important consideration but an important one nevertheless! CLICK HERE you can get more information about Automotive battery.

Though, you can easily find a reputed and reliable auto batteries manufacturer on the internet, it is vital to go through all the usual norms of contract-making! Do not forget to get a warranty card for the battery. Even if the product is an A-class one, it would be advisable to get warranty (in writing) so that you can make legal claim in the future if such a scenario arises.

Lithium ion polymer battery vs. Nickel-Cadmium battery: A quick comparison

Lithium ion or Li-ion battery is one of the more popular batteries used in today’s times. It is certainly much more advantageous over nickel batteries owing to a number of reasons. One chief difference is that nickel-cadmium battery suffers from frequent memory lapses. This problem surfaces when the user recharges his device incessantly over a short duration of time. This problem may also surface when the user overcharges the battery or charges it without fully exhausting the initial charge. Since, a modern day user has the habit to put his device on the power a number of times during the day (owing to increased use of the device), this technology certainly proves disadvantageous.

Lithium Polymer Battery 05On the other hand, a china lithium ion battery is free from any sort of memory problem. In fact, it doesn’t have any independent memory. Therefore, it is unable to figure out any difference between normal charging and over-charging. Thus, it automatically elevates the factors of safety and does not provide any kind of inconvenience. Furthermore, lithium ion polymer battery can hold power for a long time. Even if the device is not put to use for a long time, this battery can preserve the power as the rate of normal loss is very low.

If you compare a China lithium ion polymer battery Manufacturer with a nickel-cadmium one, you will find that the former also enjoys advantage in the matter of weight. The former is lighter than the latter. This eventually reduces the total weight of gadgets like cell phone or laptops. If you use a nickel-cadmium battery on them, then their weights will visibly increase. Also, Li-ion batteries give more energy for a particular measure of power. Therefore, the manufacturers of laptops, etc are able to use small-sized Li-ion batteries which further cut down the weight and also the cost. So, it becomes possible for the seller to sell these gadgets at a much lower price!

Lithium ion battery manufacturer is able to design them without incurring any severely high cost. Besides, with improvisation in technology, it is likely that the cost of manufacturing will come down further. This augurs well for the electronic industry, since it implies that the electronic products will be available to the general public at lesser prices in years to come.
You can know more about Lithium  polymer battery by CLICK HERE.

However, a china lithium ion battery is a bit more vulnerable than a nickel-cadmium one. The former is susceptible to overheating or other incidents which can put safety into jeopardy. In recent years, quite a few accidents involving these batteries have occurred. But technology has become better and is always evolving. Even the safety measures are becoming stronger and more reliable. A lithium ion battery manufacturer takes greater precautions these days to ensure that the sensitivity of Li-ion batteries towards heat comes down.

All in all, a lithium ion polymer battery comes with many benefits. Even if it suffers from some demerits, one can abide by general safety tips to keep out of danger. With improving technology, these batteries are also becoming more cost-effective and helping people cut down their investments.

Lithium ion batteries: 6 reasons why to use china lithium ion battery

A lithium ion battery is something which has become a household name. It is widely used in a myriad number of devices ranging from electronics to toys to automobiles. Being of secondary nature, it is rechargeable. It is powerful, safe and light. On the whole, here are some of the reasons why you must use lithium ion batteries:Lithium polymer battery 02
1. High energy density: Studies have shown that this battery enjoys a very high energy density. When pitted against nickel batteries, a china lithium ion battery easily beats it hands down. Therefore, with a given size and mass, the latter is going to furnish a lot more energy than the former. Therefore, it is no surprise that lithium ion battery is fast replacing nickel batteries in all realms of life.

2. Maintenance-based advantage: Lithium ion battery packs can last for a long time. They come with low maintenance cost which is a big relief to the common man. The burden on your pocket is much less when you use this form of battery.

3. No memory change: In some conventional batteries, it has been observed that the memory gets altered especially after a heavy dose of recharge or storage for a few weeks. But in lithium ion battery, you won’t have this complaint to make. Irrespective of frequent recharging or weeks of unused storage, their memory does not get altered.

4. Green product: Another reason why you must go for lithium ion batteries is that they are green in nature. That is to say they do not release substantially harmful products and are considered friendlier towards the environment. For instance, the lead-made batteries are considered very toxic since they come with heavy amounts of pernicious lead emissions which can be very detrimental to the planet. On the other hand, china lithium ion battery emits less toxic materials and in lower quantity. Besides, they come with the extra advantage of being recyclable. Environmentalists have, therefore, given their thorough approval to this product owing to its green nature.

5. Wide range of use: This battery has found a wide range of use. Though, it is primarily used in the field of electronics, it is also finding scope in other sectors. The car manufacturers and the aircraft industry are also using it for its various benefits.

6. Higher efficiency: Lithium ion battery packs China enjoy impressive energy ratings. In most cases, they are given 100% rating. It implies that they make full use of the power to make a complete energy conversion. Thus, you get full value for your power bills and wastage is significantly curtailed. This is one reason why even the commercial enterprises are resorting to this form of battery. It can be very economic in both the short and the long run. Apart from being user-friendly and low-power costing, it also comes with long life and low maintenance expenditure. You can get more information about Lithium Ion Batteries HERE.

Keeping all these benefits in mind, one can easily surmise that this battery is our present and our future. The world would be a poorer place without the services of china lithium ion battery manufacturers.

Cell Phone Lithium Li-ion Battery: What Makes Li-ion The Best Mobile Phone Battery?

Technology has certainly grown by leaps and bounds. Gone are the days when we used to make calls through landline phones. Now, with evolving technology, every person can carry a cell phone. Besides, technology has also facilitated other numerous features like texting, gaming, internet and several other tools which have made the current generation hooked. So, it is understood that your mobile phone battery needs to be a powerful one. If the battery is low in energy-efficiency, then it would need frequent charging; something which today’s busy generation certainly cannot afford. Besides, it would be too big a hassle!

Mobile Phone lithium polymerHence, good batteries are mandatory. Understanding this need, the manufacturers are using mobile phone li-ion battery which promises to last very long. Its durability and longevity are unquestionable. And it can keep the phone running for several hours after one full charge. These batteries enjoy high energy density. This means that they are able to offer greater energy even if the size or weight of the battery is smaller. This is a great advantage, since it allows manufacturers to offer smaller & lighter phones to the public. The chic community, especially the youths, is craving for sleek and light-weight cell phones. The presence of such friendly batteries has been instrumental in making it a reality.

Cell phone lithium li-ion battery also offers other benefits. For instance, it doesn’t tax you with any maintenance cost. In comparison with other batteries, this one lasts longer and is easily rechargeable. Hence, it offers an economic solution to the average needs of a person. Moreover, the cost of manufacture of such batteries has also come down. With developing technology, the manufacturers have devised ways to make them with cost-effective plans. This, overall, curtails the total cost of the cell which is then available in markets at very low prices.

Mobile phone li-ion battery is also a green product. That is to say, it is much less environmentally taxing than its ancestors. If you are still using the old Nickel-Cadmium battery, then you are thoroughly recommended to switch over to a li-ion battery. It is not just cost-effective but will give you the feel-good feeling, since you directly play a hand in saving the environment. These batteries do emit toxic data but the emission is significantly low! Until a superior battery is introduced in this context (which will come with zero emission), this is the best you can ask for!

This mobile phone battery has also found usage in a lot of other appliances. A prime example would be the laptop which you are using right now! Most laptops made these days use li-ion batteries to save on cost and to reduce the bulk weight and size! Then there are other equipments including the automobiles which are using this battery.
You can get more information about mobile phone battery CLICK HERE.

In order to buy or replace your cell phone lithium li-ion battery, you must make sure that you are buying a genuine product from a licensed dealer or seller! Also, make sure that he is giving you warranty certificates!

5 Popular Appliances Which Use UPS Battery Backup

UPS battery has found widespread use in today’s time. With growing use of technology, its use has certainly escalated. So, what exactly is a UPS? Its full form is uninterruptible power supply! So, as the name suggests it helps in providing uninterrupted power when the chief source is inaccessible due to a fault or any other reason. Most appliances today are connected with an ups replacement battery backup. It is a backup and so it comes into role only when the main power feeder goes for a toss. Suppose, you have a device which runs on your normal electricity and also has got a UPS backup! Now, in case the power goes off, then this backup shall get activated and will help to keep the appliance running.

UPS BatteriesThis battery is primarily used in computers, since this appliance needs to be run continuously in most offices and homes. However, with time the backup system has also been embraced by other domestic and commercial enterprises.Here are some of the popular equipments which use ups battery:

1. Computer: Undoubtedly, the machine which must be kept alive during office work is the computer. Just fathom the scenario if vital data gets lost and the whole office work gets hampered! It is to prevent such a catastrophe that most companies make sure that they have an ups battery backup. Moreover, this system also helps to regulate voltage flow and thus offers additional safety to the expensive device.

2. Modern day televisions: The modern day TVs like the Plasma or LCD generally come with this type of battery. Keeping a TV on is usually not the most necessary thing to a man’s life, since usually no formal work is carried out through this machine. However, these modern TVs have extra safety features, and having this battery certainly helps to avoid voltage fluctuation.

3. Clocks: Some clocks too use uninterruptible power supply. Besides, some people who are very much dependent on their alarm clocks usually get them fitted with a UPS. There are quite a few equipments which eat up battery at a higher rate and hence require ups battery replacement every few years.

4. Aquarium: If you are fond of fishes and have an aquarium, then you should definitely go for ups battery backup! There are machines which need to be kept running since they provide fresh oxygen to the water and keep it tidy and filtered. In case of a long-lasting power failure, the eco-system inside the tank can be detrimentally affected. It would, therefore, be very prudent to install such a backup.

5.Phones: Some phones, like the cordless ones, rely a lot on this backup battery. The manufacturers receive frequent orders for ups battery replacement. Those who need their phones to stay active 24/7 for attending urgent calls must surely go for these. Therefore, if its inner charge runs out of steam and you do not have access to a charge point, then you can easily make calls and attend them with the help of this backup system. ENERGYHOLDER UPS batteries are considered to be the most developing potentiality digital devices in futures.

5 Chief Benefits of a Lithium Polymer Battery

You must have used a lithium polymer battery on a number of occasions. There is no doubt about the fact that they have become exceedingly popular in today’s times. They can be recharged and that is their prime advantage. Initially, their use was limited to industries like the aircraft and automobile. However, with time, they have found application in several other sectors. Now, a number of consumer products are using this battery because of its advantages. Most of the electronic items which are made & sold today use it for convenience and greater power.

Lithium Polymer BatterySome of the chief benefits of a lithium polymer battery manufacturer are:

1. Ultra thin: One of its key advantages is that it is ultra thin. There is a sophisticated look about it because of its super slim design. The youths of today are craving for slimmer and sleeker cell phones. These batteries therefore find great usage in such phones and other devices like laptops which too are going thinner.

2. Light: Being very thin, this battery is also very light. It also acts as a chief benefit because a mobile phone manufacturer will find it feasible to use it instead of using some other heavier battery. You won’t like your laptop to weigh a ton just because of a very high-weight battery! Therefore, a lithium battery manufacturer takes this point into consideration while designing the shape & size.

3. Wide range: These batteries are available in a wide range. Because of its features, it is possible for the lithium polymer battery to come out with an eclectic range of products to cater to the different requirements of consumers.

4. Safer: Another huge advantage of polymer battery is that it is much safer than others. In general, whenever you surf the net, you will often come across the hazards of using a lithium battery. It is not that it will explode all the time. But it is much more susceptible than other battery forms. A lithium polymer battery has emerged as a product which gives little to the cynics to complain about. Its safety quotient is very high, and any chance of tragedy or accident is very low.

5. Higher stability: Ask any lithium polymer battery manufacturer and he would tell you about the greater stability which these products enjoy. That is to say, they can get stably and evenly recharged and do not cause any substantial leakage. They are also very environmental friendly and are touted as one of the safest batteries of modern times. CLICK HERE to know more information about Lithium polymer battery.

However, these batteries are more expensive than their cousins. This is quite understandable since the lithium battery manufacturer has to bear a very high cost of production to design them. Therefore, it is no surprise that they are costlier. But since they are mostly used in expensive gadgets, their prices don’t pinch the consumers. If you keep this demerit aside, then there is hardly anything else to grumble upon. They can withstand any kind of pressure, weight or temperature over a wide range. Their high performance and greater safety gives them a sound edge over many other forms of battery.

3 Factors to Consider While Buying an Electric Bike Battery

If you own an electric bike, then you have a great asset which can be counted amongst your most treasured possessions. However, you would also need to maintain it and take care of its needs. One of the vital areas which require your attention is the battery. If the battery runs out, then you would need to get it replaced. The good thing is that you do not even need to step out of your home to find an electric bike battery manufacturer. They are easily available in the market and can be procured online. However, the bad thing is that a naïve buyer would find it very confusing to look for the right one.

ImageThe market is surely flooded with batteries but there are all types of them available in a very wide range. For a first-time buyer, it can get scary since he would find it nearly impossible to figure out the best one. Different kinds of bikes require different types of batteries. Factors like voltage, size, design, specification and even weight play key roles.

Here are a few vital factors which you need to keep in mind while searching for the most appropriate electric bicycle battery:

1. Voltage: This is a technical area and someone who is familiar with these things will be the best person to recommend you. However, in layman’s language, one can state that your battery’s voltage is like the powerhouse of the bike. So, if you install a battery with a higher voltage, then your bike can get higher energy and its acceleration and max speed will be higher. On the other hand, if the battery is of low voltage, then the highest acceleration or speed will come down by some points. So, the choice depends on your bike’s design and purpose. If it is a high-speed bike, then it will usually demand an electric bike battery of over 72 volt and even up to 100 volt. On the other hand, if it is an average one which can be run at normal speeds, then you can get a low-voltage battery installed.

2. Amp-hours: The amp-hour rating is also vital since it decides the life that the battery shall give after one full charge. A higher amp-hour one is definitely a big plus, since it will not require frequent charging. However, it will be a lot more expensive than a lower Amp-hour one. Therefore, it will be best to figure out your needs before you go shopping for an electric bicycle battery.

3. C rating: This is another technical issue which may not be fully clear to a layman. It calculates the discharge rate and defines the current-carrying capacity of the vehicle. So, a bike with a higher C rating definitely is a more inviting prospect. But again, cost and your private needs will have to be assessed before you look for one. CLICK HERE to know more about Electric Bicycle.

In case, you are getting a battery replacement and were satisfied with the old one, then just take the old one out and ask for a similar one.