Monthly Archives: March 2013

The Future of Consumer electronics- Lithium ion battery packs

The universality of Lithium ion or Li-ion battery packs has never been disputed and its use in popular consumer electronics has only cemented its position. With its presence in almost every electronic device starting from the lowly cell phone to the recently introduced Boeing jets, Li-ion rechargeable battery pack are the next big thing of the decade. Due to their several technical advantages and also due to their cost effectiveness, the Li-ion rechargeable battery is slowly gaining huge popularity among users all around the globe.

The previously used Nickel-Cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd) were the stars of the electronic device industry and were used for their longer charge retention and lighter weight. But all these changed with the introduction of the Li-ion rechargeable battery that was way more efficient than the former, it was lighter, produced more power and had better can capacities. Thus, making it, effectively a far better product that was ideally suited to the lighter and trendier electronic devices of today. Since then the dominance of Li-ion rechargeable battery has only increased and now almost 90% of Japan, 20% of the USA and 9% of Europe depend on them as their means to a ready supply of charge in case of electronic devices. The basic make up of a lithium ion battery is that they constitute of Lithium combined with some other metal as the positive electrode with the electrolyte being a Lithium salt. The easy availability of Lithium added to the fact that Lithium is not as hazardous as cadmium made it all the more feasible for manufacturers around the world. Since then the market for Lithium ion batteries has only grown and grown.

Though it has a large number of advantages yet Lithium batteries are not without their share of problems. For one, lithium batteries are very susceptible to heat and tend to violently explode under adverse condition making them highly unreliable for pressure situations. These are also quite prone to lose their stability and ability to hold charge if kept unused for long periods of time. Due to these specific problems plaguing it, a lithium ion battery should be carefully stored away from heat and at 60 degrees Fahrenheit or else that may jeopardize the capabilities of the battery. The Cell phone lithium Li-ion battery is the most susceptible to adverse working conditions and should be kept carefully under cool conditions. Even then their limited life spans of 3-4 years make them easily available for a long time use.

To buy the best quality Li-ion rechargeable battery pack check out global giant EnergyHolder that is known for its great quality of items that come with a guarantee of satisfaction. The company is also manufacturer that is looking for new directions in increasing the various performance issues of a Li-ion rechargeable battery. Check them out at for batteries at discounted rates.

UPS battery backup systems are the ideal solution for power failures

You are in the middle of an important work assignment and been banging away on your PC since hours. Suddenly off goes your current supply and all you had done disappears into the cyberspace leaving no trace. Terribly frustrating! Isn’t it? You are not alone in this situation. A good percentage of computer users have gone through this ordeal sooner or later in their lives and many outstanding pieces of projects and assignments have simply disappeared due to this annoying problem. The only solution to this bugging problem is installing an Uninterruptable Power Supply device or an UPS whose job is to provide extra current supply for a short period of time to the PC giving sufficient opportunity to the user to save data. But sometimes even this feature fails to protect your data and this occurs only when your UPS is of suspect quality. Some people even after installing a proper UPS device undergo through this annoying problem that can easily be solved by following some simple steps. The UPS battery is not invulnerable; it is as good as its working environment. Their life spans depend on the electrical environment in which they work. An area where there are few power shortages, rare spikes in power, outrages, etc. will allow the UPS to have a free run and as a result their battery can work for long periods of time and also won’t wear out easily. On the other hand, it is rare for even good quality UPS batteries to last long in an uncertain or ‘dirty’ electrical environment where power fluctuations and spikes are common. In layman terms, it is the UPS battery backup that bears the brunt of the power fluctuations which could have easily destroyed the delicate electrical instruments packed inside the computers, etc.

ImageTo ensure a longer life run of your battery without any hiccups, it is advisable to change your UPS battery replacement within 2-3 years which is also mentioned in the guarantee card. Other than that it is a better idea to install a battery monitoring software that will provide all necessary information about the UPS battery and will also signal the life’s end of the battery. It is always a common and widely prevalent practice to buy UPS battery replacement from reputed dealers like Sineole whose batteries come with performance guarantees. Due to the delicate nature of the components, it is quite advisable to have UPS battery replacement periodically once in 3 years. This is done to ensure that there are no problems of battery under performance due to continuous use. Ensure that the UPS batteries are bought from certified UPS suppliers like ENERGYHOLDER and don’t involve third parties which could put the quality of the UPS a suspect.

Perfect Places to Search for safe and performance based Lithium ion Batteries

Lithium ion batteries are the rage of the season. They represent an alternative to supply of a clean energy source that can be used several times before being disposed. These newbie have effectively replaced the now obsolete alkaline battery which was all the rage before. The primary reason for this is the longevity and easy recharge ability of the lithium battery and even though these are pricier yet they are the best value for money. Every lithium based battery gives back more than its money’s worth and this makes it widely popular among electronic device users. Thus, it can be safely said that the lithium based battery is the best deal for consumer electronics now and it is also safer to use due to its sturdy design that ensures minimum or no leakage of the chemicals. Today these new age batteries are also being used in vehicles that run on electricity which are slowly catching the eye of environment friendly users and manufacturers. Though it is common knowledge that petroleum based engines can produce more power, yet the electric vehicles are undergoing a facelift and larger and stronger batteries are being developed by Rechargeable Lithium Batteries manufacturer to give the former a stiff competition.

Rechargable lithium batteriesThe concept of a lithium battery was postulated way back in the year 1912 by G.N Lewis but it came into the market and was commercially available only in late 70’s. Due to its larger energy density, Lithium is commercially used to produce the maximum performance plus it is also the lightest metal available. But Lithium is chemically unstable and charging it often posed safety hazards and this led to the lithium ion battery manufacture into the backburner. Later, Lithium ions were used that prove to be highly stable and in the year 1991, Japanese giant- Sony launched the first commercially used Lithium ion battery. Since then several companies have tried their hand at manufacture with several levels of success.

One such famous lithium polymer battery manufacturer is Sineole that has captured popular imagination with its better lithium batteries. It is also a well known lithium ion battery suppliers that are used by major players in the mobile, mp3 player and laptop market such as Samsung and Apple, etc. The batteries come with a guarantee for safety as electronic devices almost always carry the risk of short circuiting or over discharge, etc. The lithium polymer battery developed by Sineole has an aluminum- plastic casing that is most likely to swell instead of blowing out like traditional batteries. Such painstakingly added safety features provides the much needed safety controls for the lithium ion battery without compromising on performance and power. Check out one of the best collection of Lithium polymer and Lithium ion batteries at reasonable rates from one of the global lithium battery supplier leaders at

The Flavor of the Season- Lithium ion Batteries

Lithium ion batteries belong to the same family of rechargeable batteries that have Lithium based electrode and Lithium based electrolyte for the discharge of electrons. The positive electrode material is mostly Lithium or Lithium oxides and its derivatives whereas the most popular and commercially used negative electrode is graphite. These rechargeable batteries represent the next step in the production of clean and long lasting energy without the threat of continuous supply unlike its predecessors which are the types of fuels that we universally use today like petroleum and its derivatives, natural gas, coal and several different varieties of fossil fuels. A Lithium ion battery is mostly used in its smaller version in consumer electronics like mobile phones and laptops, etc. This is due to the fact that these batteries have the unique ability to retain charge for long duration of time and also to provide good amount of charge without interruption. Though the lithium battery has been around for long but the newest form of the Lithium ion battery was invented only in 2012. In the last five years several group of researchers and companies have tried their hands at increasing the current strength, capacity and overall performance with varying amounts of success. Since then the market has been flooded with a huge variety of Lithium ion battery packs made by companies all over the world. The reasons for the popularity of the Lithium ion battery pack are as innumerable as its advantages. A Lithium ion battery that is mass produced by a leading manufacturer i.e. Sineole has he ability to retain charge for a long duration of time, the batteries come in different shapes and sizes making them customized only for the device that they support, the apparent charge leakage is also minimum in a lithium ion battery. Last but not the least, Lithium ion battery packs are widely considered to be safe for the environment due to the absence of free lithium and also due to minimum chances of chemical leakage.  Image

Users will find a large base of Lithium ion battery manufacturer on the internet with several popular ones like Sineole. These lithium batteries come with a guarantee of safety and their performance can be best proved by the several satisfied users whose reviews can be studied at the customer reviews page. Sineole is widely considered to be an influential force in the battery market and has long been popular for its lithium batteries that along with greater charge also have the ability of long term charge retention and are sturdily built. The Sineole made- Lithium Ion Battery Packs are considerably thinner, lighter and come in customized varieties to suit customer needs. This ability to adjust their products according to demands has jumpstarted this Lithium ion battery manufacturer to great heights of success and effectively leaving behind competition.

Check them out at for all varieties of lithium batteries  at reasonable prices.