Category Archives: Cell phone lithium battery

The Future of Consumer electronics- Lithium ion battery packs

The universality of Lithium ion or Li-ion battery packs has never been disputed and its use in popular consumer electronics has only cemented its position. With its presence in almost every electronic device starting from the lowly cell phone to the recently introduced Boeing jets, Li-ion rechargeable battery pack are the next big thing of the decade. Due to their several technical advantages and also due to their cost effectiveness, the Li-ion rechargeable battery is slowly gaining huge popularity among users all around the globe.

The previously used Nickel-Cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd) were the stars of the electronic device industry and were used for their longer charge retention and lighter weight. But all these changed with the introduction of the Li-ion rechargeable battery that was way more efficient than the former, it was lighter, produced more power and had better can capacities. Thus, making it, effectively a far better product that was ideally suited to the lighter and trendier electronic devices of today. Since then the dominance of Li-ion rechargeable battery has only increased and now almost 90% of Japan, 20% of the USA and 9% of Europe depend on them as their means to a ready supply of charge in case of electronic devices. The basic make up of a lithium ion battery is that they constitute of Lithium combined with some other metal as the positive electrode with the electrolyte being a Lithium salt. The easy availability of Lithium added to the fact that Lithium is not as hazardous as cadmium made it all the more feasible for manufacturers around the world. Since then the market for Lithium ion batteries has only grown and grown.

Though it has a large number of advantages yet Lithium batteries are not without their share of problems. For one, lithium batteries are very susceptible to heat and tend to violently explode under adverse condition making them highly unreliable for pressure situations. These are also quite prone to lose their stability and ability to hold charge if kept unused for long periods of time. Due to these specific problems plaguing it, a lithium ion battery should be carefully stored away from heat and at 60 degrees Fahrenheit or else that may jeopardize the capabilities of the battery. The Cell phone lithium Li-ion battery is the most susceptible to adverse working conditions and should be kept carefully under cool conditions. Even then their limited life spans of 3-4 years make them easily available for a long time use.

To buy the best quality Li-ion rechargeable battery pack check out global giant EnergyHolder that is known for its great quality of items that come with a guarantee of satisfaction. The company is also manufacturer that is looking for new directions in increasing the various performance issues of a Li-ion rechargeable battery. Check them out at for batteries at discounted rates.

Cell Phone Lithium Li-ion Battery: What Makes Li-ion The Best Mobile Phone Battery?

Technology has certainly grown by leaps and bounds. Gone are the days when we used to make calls through landline phones. Now, with evolving technology, every person can carry a cell phone. Besides, technology has also facilitated other numerous features like texting, gaming, internet and several other tools which have made the current generation hooked. So, it is understood that your mobile phone battery needs to be a powerful one. If the battery is low in energy-efficiency, then it would need frequent charging; something which today’s busy generation certainly cannot afford. Besides, it would be too big a hassle!

Mobile Phone lithium polymerHence, good batteries are mandatory. Understanding this need, the manufacturers are using mobile phone li-ion battery which promises to last very long. Its durability and longevity are unquestionable. And it can keep the phone running for several hours after one full charge. These batteries enjoy high energy density. This means that they are able to offer greater energy even if the size or weight of the battery is smaller. This is a great advantage, since it allows manufacturers to offer smaller & lighter phones to the public. The chic community, especially the youths, is craving for sleek and light-weight cell phones. The presence of such friendly batteries has been instrumental in making it a reality.

Cell phone lithium li-ion battery also offers other benefits. For instance, it doesn’t tax you with any maintenance cost. In comparison with other batteries, this one lasts longer and is easily rechargeable. Hence, it offers an economic solution to the average needs of a person. Moreover, the cost of manufacture of such batteries has also come down. With developing technology, the manufacturers have devised ways to make them with cost-effective plans. This, overall, curtails the total cost of the cell which is then available in markets at very low prices.

Mobile phone li-ion battery is also a green product. That is to say, it is much less environmentally taxing than its ancestors. If you are still using the old Nickel-Cadmium battery, then you are thoroughly recommended to switch over to a li-ion battery. It is not just cost-effective but will give you the feel-good feeling, since you directly play a hand in saving the environment. These batteries do emit toxic data but the emission is significantly low! Until a superior battery is introduced in this context (which will come with zero emission), this is the best you can ask for!

This mobile phone battery has also found usage in a lot of other appliances. A prime example would be the laptop which you are using right now! Most laptops made these days use li-ion batteries to save on cost and to reduce the bulk weight and size! Then there are other equipments including the automobiles which are using this battery.
You can get more information about mobile phone battery CLICK HERE.

In order to buy or replace your cell phone lithium li-ion battery, you must make sure that you are buying a genuine product from a licensed dealer or seller! Also, make sure that he is giving you warranty certificates!