Category Archives: China Lithium batteries

Lithium batteries: Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese lithium battery

A lithium battery has become a common part of our life. These batteries have found use in a number of tools and devices ranging from kids’ toys to vehicles and so on. To an extent, they have also replaced several conventional batteries.

Here are the major advantages of using a China lithium battery:

1. Longevity: Lithium batteries are extremely durable and enjoy a certain edge over other forms of batteries in terms of longevity. This automatically boils down to lower expenses for the consumers since these products do not require frequent replacement. After installing them on your device, you can expect them to last for quite a few years, thus exempting you from any financial headache or hassle.

2. Light in weight: If you try comparing a Chinese lithium batteries with one which is made of lead or nickel, then you shall observe a substantial amount of difference in their weight.  This can be very advantageous since the users are not inconvenienced. For instance, if a consumer is installing this form of battery in a flashlight (which needs to be carried around in hand), then he would prefer these light batteries which won’t add much to the load. Also, these light products offer less resistance when installed in vehicles and cars.

3. Much more powerful: It is believed that a lithium battery is much more powerful than other forms of batteries. Therefore, they enjoy greater goodwill and an increasing popularity amongst people.

4. Environment-friendly: As compared to their counterparts, a China lithium battery releases lesser pollutants. Therefore, it is much friendlier to the environment and can be counted as a greener product. If you are planning to use a battery for longer use or in heavy-weight equipments, then it would be advisable to go with a lithium-made one in order to exert less pressure on the nature.

Mobile Phone lithium polymer Batteries

Lithium batteries, despite these merits, also have a few demerits. Here are some major disadvantages which they suffer from:

    1. Not rechargeable: One of the biggest cons of this battery is that it cannot be recharged. Thus, after a few years, they will wear off and then you would be required to buy a new one. Thus, it comes with a periodic investment every few years. However, having said that, one must admit that high shelf life ensures that your returns per investment will be meager and affordable.

Risk-prone: Chinese lithium batteries manufacturer is a tad risky and vulnerable to some hazardous or undesirable incident. It is not unheard of for these batteries to explode or cause some leakage or breakout of fire. But they happen rarely and are more of an aberration than the case of norm. If you are careful about the instructions and comply with all safety guidelines, then you have got nothing to fear.

On the whole, one can say, that lithium batteries have become essential in the modern era. Though, it has a couple of drawbacks (as explained above), its pros easily outweigh & outnumber the cons. They offer reliability, convenience and economy to the major global populace of today. ENERGYHOLDER is the one of the best lithium battery enterprises leaders, a professional lithium battery supplier.

5 Chief Benefits of a Lithium Polymer Battery

You must have used a lithium polymer battery on a number of occasions. There is no doubt about the fact that they have become exceedingly popular in today’s times. They can be recharged and that is their prime advantage. Initially, their use was limited to industries like the aircraft and automobile. However, with time, they have found application in several other sectors. Now, a number of consumer products are using this battery because of its advantages. Most of the electronic items which are made & sold today use it for convenience and greater power.

Lithium Polymer BatterySome of the chief benefits of a lithium polymer battery manufacturer are:

1. Ultra thin: One of its key advantages is that it is ultra thin. There is a sophisticated look about it because of its super slim design. The youths of today are craving for slimmer and sleeker cell phones. These batteries therefore find great usage in such phones and other devices like laptops which too are going thinner.

2. Light: Being very thin, this battery is also very light. It also acts as a chief benefit because a mobile phone manufacturer will find it feasible to use it instead of using some other heavier battery. You won’t like your laptop to weigh a ton just because of a very high-weight battery! Therefore, a lithium battery manufacturer takes this point into consideration while designing the shape & size.

3. Wide range: These batteries are available in a wide range. Because of its features, it is possible for the lithium polymer battery to come out with an eclectic range of products to cater to the different requirements of consumers.

4. Safer: Another huge advantage of polymer battery is that it is much safer than others. In general, whenever you surf the net, you will often come across the hazards of using a lithium battery. It is not that it will explode all the time. But it is much more susceptible than other battery forms. A lithium polymer battery has emerged as a product which gives little to the cynics to complain about. Its safety quotient is very high, and any chance of tragedy or accident is very low.

5. Higher stability: Ask any lithium polymer battery manufacturer and he would tell you about the greater stability which these products enjoy. That is to say, they can get stably and evenly recharged and do not cause any substantial leakage. They are also very environmental friendly and are touted as one of the safest batteries of modern times. CLICK HERE to know more information about Lithium polymer battery.

However, these batteries are more expensive than their cousins. This is quite understandable since the lithium battery manufacturer has to bear a very high cost of production to design them. Therefore, it is no surprise that they are costlier. But since they are mostly used in expensive gadgets, their prices don’t pinch the consumers. If you keep this demerit aside, then there is hardly anything else to grumble upon. They can withstand any kind of pressure, weight or temperature over a wide range. Their high performance and greater safety gives them a sound edge over many other forms of battery.