Category Archives: Rechargeable Lithium Batteries

Perfect Places to Search for safe and performance based Lithium ion Batteries

Lithium ion batteries are the rage of the season. They represent an alternative to supply of a clean energy source that can be used several times before being disposed. These newbie have effectively replaced the now obsolete alkaline battery which was all the rage before. The primary reason for this is the longevity and easy recharge ability of the lithium battery and even though these are pricier yet they are the best value for money. Every lithium based battery gives back more than its money’s worth and this makes it widely popular among electronic device users. Thus, it can be safely said that the lithium based battery is the best deal for consumer electronics now and it is also safer to use due to its sturdy design that ensures minimum or no leakage of the chemicals. Today these new age batteries are also being used in vehicles that run on electricity which are slowly catching the eye of environment friendly users and manufacturers. Though it is common knowledge that petroleum based engines can produce more power, yet the electric vehicles are undergoing a facelift and larger and stronger batteries are being developed by Rechargeable Lithium Batteries manufacturer to give the former a stiff competition.

Rechargable lithium batteriesThe concept of a lithium battery was postulated way back in the year 1912 by G.N Lewis but it came into the market and was commercially available only in late 70’s. Due to its larger energy density, Lithium is commercially used to produce the maximum performance plus it is also the lightest metal available. But Lithium is chemically unstable and charging it often posed safety hazards and this led to the lithium ion battery manufacture into the backburner. Later, Lithium ions were used that prove to be highly stable and in the year 1991, Japanese giant- Sony launched the first commercially used Lithium ion battery. Since then several companies have tried their hand at manufacture with several levels of success.

One such famous lithium polymer battery manufacturer is Sineole that has captured popular imagination with its better lithium batteries. It is also a well known lithium ion battery suppliers that are used by major players in the mobile, mp3 player and laptop market such as Samsung and Apple, etc. The batteries come with a guarantee for safety as electronic devices almost always carry the risk of short circuiting or over discharge, etc. The lithium polymer battery developed by Sineole has an aluminum- plastic casing that is most likely to swell instead of blowing out like traditional batteries. Such painstakingly added safety features provides the much needed safety controls for the lithium ion battery without compromising on performance and power. Check out one of the best collection of Lithium polymer and Lithium ion batteries at reasonable rates from one of the global lithium battery supplier leaders at