Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rechargeable Lithium Battery Helps in Development of Mobile Phone Accessories

Since the discovery and introduction of cell phones they started gathering popularity among the new masses who really wanted to taste and enjoy the taste of the new invention that led the way to more discoveries. Now mobile phones have become so popular that almost every person has and owns it for their day to day use. Mobile phone these days carry a lot of extra additional usages that makes it possible for the owner to use it to the maximum. These devices require a battery backup that enables us to use them for a longer time. When we have a good battery back up our mobile devices seems to full our requirements from every point of touch.

Looking at this rapidly growing needs of the mass, Sino Holding Group started a new branch named Energy Holder that completely focuses on the development mobile accessories and battery devices that can help a battery run for the longer time. So, EnergyHolder came up with a new type of battery that had a long power capacity, lower internal discharge, and high end safety measures. For this purpose Energy holder has got a separate R& D team that focuses on the development of the product and its quality. So, now it has brought a rechargeable lithium battery with a high class energy properties and performance. So if you have any queries than do not step back feel free to come to us with all your queries and we assure you that we will be able to solve them.

How to Choose Right Portable Auto battery pack for Your Vehicle

Auto batteries are the type of rechargeable battery which supplies power to the auto mobile. If you want to choose a right auto battery for your vehicles then you have to mark that is the battery loose his time period or not because most of the battery loss his strength when the time period is over. So the right decision is to choose the particular batteries which have no more than 6 months old. Most of the battery has the shipping code in the upper part of the cover. Some of the company uses alphabetical letter to specify the month, just like “A” for January, “B” for February and some of them uses the number to identify the year like “3” for 2013 and also most of the companies are uses numeric date.
 Another thing is that to choose the right company, suitable model and off course the budget is taking a important role in choosing a right portable auto battery pack. A handle also can make easier to replace the battery from one place to another place which weight is about more than 18 kilo grams.
EnergyHolder provides various type of portable auto battery pack to the customer in very low and affordable price. To know more about the auto battery you can browse

Basic Advantage of UPS Battery Back-up

Each company has a particular geographical area where the office is located and the power supply is something very essential for every office because most of the company uses different kinds of micro-processor equipment to fulfill their basic requirement. When power is doomed to failure then the UPS battery is ideal for all small and medium enterprises. UPS is an uninterrupted power supply, which is also known as uninterrupted power source. It is an electrical device that provides emergency power to load when the power source, usually doomed to failure. The main purpose of the inverter is to provide continuous power conditioning quietly and the critical load.

UPS batteries are comes in many shapes and sizes, but most batteries are rectangular and autonomous. All the UPS battery backup are generally heavy because of the batteries that are within the device. The front of the battery has a power switch to turn the inverter on and off. Among the UPS have one or more additional buttons that perform different functions.



Here is some advantage of UPS Battery For which we must need to use

  • Protection against overvoltage
  • Prevents power fluctuations
  • Prevents data loss
  • Maintaining battery charging
  • Provides reliable power

Lithium polymer battery promises to be an exciting alternative to the traditional battery

Lithium batteries have all but replaced the standard batteries in electronic devices and are the most commonly used batteries in the world today. Lithium batteries were developed taking the core of steel and aluminium batteries and with constant innovation, research and development, they have become really light weight and thin but packed with high energy density. Offering higher recharge ability, the rechargeable lithium batteries have taken the world by storm and have become an indispensable unit in all electronic gadgets especially cameras, mobile phone and laptops.

Lithium-ion battery is the new generation battery and has greatly resolved the problem of battery shortage in digital devices. The traditional liquid batteries were easy to explode but the lithium polymer battery has a flexible aluminium/plastic packaging which prevents explosions. Additionally, these batteries come equipped with an automatic safeguard board which keep them safe from over-charge, short circuits or even over-discharge. The safety measures are far superior to the standard liquid lithium batteries. In hand held electronic devices, the issue of weightiness is very critical and the thinner the gadget, the better. In this respect, lithium batteries are ideal as being light weight they do not add bulk to the gadget making it easier to carry the gadget around. A mere one kilogram of lithium-ion battery packs in a whopping 100-150 watt hours of power which when compared to other weightier batteries with lesser energy density, is phenomenal. Lithium polymer battery is almost 40% lighter than the steel shell battery and even nearly 20% lighter than the aluminium ones. The thickness of lithium polymer batteries are 1mm or even less and do not affect the degree of thinness of the mobile gadgets.

Although, these batteries are widely available, China Lithium battery offers high quality and service and is counted amongst the best and most enterprising of lithium battery manufacturer. With all the technical advantages at its disposal, China lithium battery owns CE and UL certificates and offers greater safety and performance. Experts ensure that the batteries undergo stringent tests, inspection and checks before being let out in the market. It is greatly used in Samsung, Apple, MOTO and LG products.

The lithium batteries and especially the lithium polymer battery are expected to snare nearly 50% of the battery market share in the near future. Large battery manufacturers are investing big-time in research and development of lithium polymer battery as it has very bright prospects due to its volume, safety, discharge performance, charge capacity and weightiness. Many key technologies are being merged to further ensure high standards of safety and performance for this battery. Although already being applied in mature digital gadgets, extensive laboratory research is taking place to ensure its place in newer hi-tech gadgets as this battery is considered to be the foremost choice of the newer generation of electronic devices. The lithium polymer battery promises to be an exciting alternative to the standard lithium battery.

5 Things to Look For While Buying Li-ion Rechargeable Battery Pack

Most appliances which are made today run on lithium ion batteries. It is no surprise as these batteries come with a whole slew of benefits. They last longer than most other kinds of batteries. And they also prove to be an economic boon for consumers and commercial enterprises. Still, li-ion batteries differ on various counts. And it becomes essential to check out a few factors before investing in one. Your appliance’s model and your private requirements go a long way in deciding which battery to buy.

Here are a few important things you need to consider while buying a li-ion rechargeable battery:

i. Rechargeable or non-rechargeable: There are two kinds of li-ion batteries in the market. One type can be recharged while the other one is not rechargeable. In general, it is advisable to go for a li-ion rechargeable battery pack. This one is being increasingly used in today’s times. It certainly enjoys added advantages over the non-rechargeable battery pack. At times, the seller may, out of ignorance for your need, may sell you the non-rechargeable one. So, make sure to ask if it is a rechargeable one or not!

ii. Check its life: Your battery’s life will be vital since it decides your maintenance & replacement cost. It is always preferable to buy a pack which has a higher life. This automatically ensures that you won’t have to shell out another single penny for quite a few years, since it will be serving you faithfully for that time. Of course, the amount of usage you put the battery into will also decide the longevity of the battery. But in general, a good li-ion rechargeable battery easily lasts for a few years.

iii. Warranty: You may trust your battery supplier fully and you may be confident about the authenticity of the product. Still, it won’t do you any harm to make sure that you are being provided with a warranty card. So, before you make the payment or exit the store, just make sure that the warranty card has been provided to you.

iv. Expiry date: A li-ion rechargeable battery pack comes with an expiry date. You don’t want to

be in a situation where you find out that the product you bought so excitedly is nearing its expiry date or has already gone past it! So while turning over the battery case in your hand, do check out that the product is a newly manufactured one. 

v. Discounts: A great buyer never misses out on discounts and always succeeds in getting the best bargain! If you want to fall under this category, then make sure that you are getting the best offers. Of course, do not buy a counterfeit or an inferior product which is often offered at invitingly low prices. But keep an eye open for all the major online suppliers. If you have a multiple appliances, then it is also prudent to buy li-ion rechargeable battery in bulk quantities. The seller will certainly offer you higher discount and a cheesier smile, if you buy them in multiple quantities.

UPS battery backup systems are the ideal solution for power failures

You are in the middle of an important work assignment and been banging away on your PC since hours. Suddenly off goes your current supply and all you had done disappears into the cyberspace leaving no trace. Terribly frustrating! Isn’t it? You are not alone in this situation. A good percentage of computer users have gone through this ordeal sooner or later in their lives and many outstanding pieces of projects and assignments have simply disappeared due to this annoying problem. The only solution to this bugging problem is installing an Uninterruptable Power Supply device or an UPS whose job is to provide extra current supply for a short period of time to the PC giving sufficient opportunity to the user to save data. But sometimes even this feature fails to protect your data and this occurs only when your UPS is of suspect quality. Some people even after installing a proper UPS device undergo through this annoying problem that can easily be solved by following some simple steps. The UPS battery is not invulnerable; it is as good as its working environment. Their life spans depend on the electrical environment in which they work. An area where there are few power shortages, rare spikes in power, outrages, etc. will allow the UPS to have a free run and as a result their battery can work for long periods of time and also won’t wear out easily. On the other hand, it is rare for even good quality UPS batteries to last long in an uncertain or ‘dirty’ electrical environment where power fluctuations and spikes are common. In layman terms, it is the UPS battery backup that bears the brunt of the power fluctuations which could have easily destroyed the delicate electrical instruments packed inside the computers, etc.

ImageTo ensure a longer life run of your battery without any hiccups, it is advisable to change your UPS battery replacement within 2-3 years which is also mentioned in the guarantee card. Other than that it is a better idea to install a battery monitoring software that will provide all necessary information about the UPS battery and will also signal the life’s end of the battery. It is always a common and widely prevalent practice to buy UPS battery replacement from reputed dealers like Sineole whose batteries come with performance guarantees. Due to the delicate nature of the components, it is quite advisable to have UPS battery replacement periodically once in 3 years. This is done to ensure that there are no problems of battery under performance due to continuous use. Ensure that the UPS batteries are bought from certified UPS suppliers like ENERGYHOLDER and don’t involve third parties which could put the quality of the UPS a suspect.

The Flavor of the Season- Lithium ion Batteries

Lithium ion batteries belong to the same family of rechargeable batteries that have Lithium based electrode and Lithium based electrolyte for the discharge of electrons. The positive electrode material is mostly Lithium or Lithium oxides and its derivatives whereas the most popular and commercially used negative electrode is graphite. These rechargeable batteries represent the next step in the production of clean and long lasting energy without the threat of continuous supply unlike its predecessors which are the types of fuels that we universally use today like petroleum and its derivatives, natural gas, coal and several different varieties of fossil fuels. A Lithium ion battery is mostly used in its smaller version in consumer electronics like mobile phones and laptops, etc. This is due to the fact that these batteries have the unique ability to retain charge for long duration of time and also to provide good amount of charge without interruption. Though the lithium battery has been around for long but the newest form of the Lithium ion battery was invented only in 2012. In the last five years several group of researchers and companies have tried their hands at increasing the current strength, capacity and overall performance with varying amounts of success. Since then the market has been flooded with a huge variety of Lithium ion battery packs made by companies all over the world. The reasons for the popularity of the Lithium ion battery pack are as innumerable as its advantages. A Lithium ion battery that is mass produced by a leading manufacturer i.e. Sineole has he ability to retain charge for a long duration of time, the batteries come in different shapes and sizes making them customized only for the device that they support, the apparent charge leakage is also minimum in a lithium ion battery. Last but not the least, Lithium ion battery packs are widely considered to be safe for the environment due to the absence of free lithium and also due to minimum chances of chemical leakage.  Image

Users will find a large base of Lithium ion battery manufacturer on the internet with several popular ones like Sineole. These lithium batteries come with a guarantee of safety and their performance can be best proved by the several satisfied users whose reviews can be studied at the customer reviews page. Sineole is widely considered to be an influential force in the battery market and has long been popular for its lithium batteries that along with greater charge also have the ability of long term charge retention and are sturdily built. The Sineole made- Lithium Ion Battery Packs are considerably thinner, lighter and come in customized varieties to suit customer needs. This ability to adjust their products according to demands has jumpstarted this Lithium ion battery manufacturer to great heights of success and effectively leaving behind competition.

Check them out at for all varieties of lithium batteries  at reasonable prices.

UPS Batteries: Significance and Role of UPS Power Battery

UPS is abbreviation for ‘uninterrupted power supply’. It is a kind of back up battery which helps you run the machine when the chief source of power gets exhausted or runs out. For instance, if you are using your computer submerged in some vital official work and suddenly the power goes off, then you may lose vital data. UPS batteries supplier help to evade such a scenario. They will keep the computer running during such a time. Moreover, they also help a number of enterprises to run equipments during some power crisis or emergency!

UPS Batteries (1)Apart from computers, most other electronic products also use batteries. But many of them, like the music players, can be done with normal batteries. Hospitals, too, find great use for ups battery. These places are sites where it is important to keep equipments running for the treatment of the patients. Sometimes, a surgeon may perform an operation which can run for quite a few hours. It becomes vital that the power is not interrupted during such times. So, the ups power battery provides solution to these contingencies and ensures that incessant supply can be maintained.

Most business houses, organizations and offices are also banking on such batteries. These products become indispensable since the business environment warrants continuity in work. If some machines come to a stop for some hours, then the entire day’s proceedings can turn awry and messy! Therefore, almost all corporate houses make sure to install ups batteries.

The modern day manufacturers provide batteries which enjoy impressive & advanced features. These automatically get recharged when the normal power is available, so that they can provide quick backup when the power goes off. UPS battery comes in varying sizes and dimensions. You must choose one after carefully checking the requirement. If you are a novice in these matters, it will be best to consult a knowledgeable friend or a local technician for the same.

There is one more role which an ups power battery plays. Some people are not aware of this function since it is less publicized. It acts as a regulator or controller of power. So, it ensures that power fluctuations do not take place and no mishap occurs due to the same. In this regard, they automatically act as the guardian of your computers and other equipments. Say, for instance, if there is a sudden increase in the power flow, then some circuits or the entire appliance may get damaged. But if you have installed ups battery, then you can count on it to save your appliance from any sort of harm. CLICK HERE for more.

Some first-time buyers may be a tad confused while shopping for ups batteries. These are available in the market under an array of labels. To judge the quality of a brand, you can always go through its reviews posted on internet. In case you trust your seller, then ask his advice in the matter. Also, remember that the performance of ups power battery may also be specifically directed towards a particular appliance. So, it would be imprudent to buy one in haste without making a thorough evaluation of your requirements.

Portable Auto Battery Pack: How to Buy Auto Batteries for Your Car?

Your car’s battery is an essential ingredient of the vehicle. It is the battery which ascertains that the vehicle runs smoothly without any problem. It also fuels all the accessories and add-ons in your vehicle. Therefore, it is vital that you give due thought to this matter while shopping for auto batteries.

sinopmThe first thing you must remember is that there are quite a few batteries available in the market. You must figure out your requirements and buy the one which will fit into your needs. It is also vital to weigh the pros and cons of each type of battery before you buy one. A lot depends on your vehicle. Some models specifically require a particular kind of battery. If you try to install any other kind, then it won’t work properly. On the contrary, it may just disrupt the normal functions of the vehicle and may even cause some internal damage.

There are good light battery packs available these days. You can easily find a portable auto battery pack manufacturer from the net or from your traditional store (though it would be more prudent and pocket-friendly to buy online)! Apart from lightness, the size factor also needs to be evaluated. Just like different models of cars come in varying sizes, similarly the batteries too differ in sizes. You must figure out the size that will suit your purpose. If you are replacing an old battery with a new one, then all you need to do is to just take out the old one and measure its size. Another ideal alternative is to take your vehicle to the portable auto batteries manufacturer and he will make the required inspection and suggest accordingly.

This is an important aspect because a wrong-sized battery can cause certain problems. A bigger battery won’t just fit into the given space allotted inside your engine for the purpose. And a too small one will keep shifting and colliding with the walls thereby becoming susceptible to internal or external damage. It can also keep oscillating and produce unpleasant & annoying noise while the engine is running.

One more factor which will determine your auto batteries need is power. Different batteries have different power capacities. Depending on your car’s size and structure, you may require a battery of a certain power. Again, if you are not sure of the same, then you should better consult a professional. He would be in a better position to give you solid advice.

Most people also look for the CCA mark while shopping for a portable auto battery pack. This factor helps you figure out the right product depending on the climatic conditions of your town or country. It is not the most important consideration but an important one nevertheless! CLICK HERE you can get more information about Automotive battery.

Though, you can easily find a reputed and reliable auto batteries manufacturer on the internet, it is vital to go through all the usual norms of contract-making! Do not forget to get a warranty card for the battery. Even if the product is an A-class one, it would be advisable to get warranty (in writing) so that you can make legal claim in the future if such a scenario arises.

5 Popular Appliances Which Use UPS Battery Backup

UPS battery has found widespread use in today’s time. With growing use of technology, its use has certainly escalated. So, what exactly is a UPS? Its full form is uninterruptible power supply! So, as the name suggests it helps in providing uninterrupted power when the chief source is inaccessible due to a fault or any other reason. Most appliances today are connected with an ups replacement battery backup. It is a backup and so it comes into role only when the main power feeder goes for a toss. Suppose, you have a device which runs on your normal electricity and also has got a UPS backup! Now, in case the power goes off, then this backup shall get activated and will help to keep the appliance running.

UPS BatteriesThis battery is primarily used in computers, since this appliance needs to be run continuously in most offices and homes. However, with time the backup system has also been embraced by other domestic and commercial enterprises.Here are some of the popular equipments which use ups battery:

1. Computer: Undoubtedly, the machine which must be kept alive during office work is the computer. Just fathom the scenario if vital data gets lost and the whole office work gets hampered! It is to prevent such a catastrophe that most companies make sure that they have an ups battery backup. Moreover, this system also helps to regulate voltage flow and thus offers additional safety to the expensive device.

2. Modern day televisions: The modern day TVs like the Plasma or LCD generally come with this type of battery. Keeping a TV on is usually not the most necessary thing to a man’s life, since usually no formal work is carried out through this machine. However, these modern TVs have extra safety features, and having this battery certainly helps to avoid voltage fluctuation.

3. Clocks: Some clocks too use uninterruptible power supply. Besides, some people who are very much dependent on their alarm clocks usually get them fitted with a UPS. There are quite a few equipments which eat up battery at a higher rate and hence require ups battery replacement every few years.

4. Aquarium: If you are fond of fishes and have an aquarium, then you should definitely go for ups battery backup! There are machines which need to be kept running since they provide fresh oxygen to the water and keep it tidy and filtered. In case of a long-lasting power failure, the eco-system inside the tank can be detrimentally affected. It would, therefore, be very prudent to install such a backup.

5.Phones: Some phones, like the cordless ones, rely a lot on this backup battery. The manufacturers receive frequent orders for ups battery replacement. Those who need their phones to stay active 24/7 for attending urgent calls must surely go for these. Therefore, if its inner charge runs out of steam and you do not have access to a charge point, then you can easily make calls and attend them with the help of this backup system. ENERGYHOLDER UPS batteries are considered to be the most developing potentiality digital devices in futures.